Our Guiding Principles

Racine St. Catherine’s Prayer

Lord of all creation,
We pray for St. Catherine’s
High School Community.
We ask that you walk with them in truth,
So that they may stand for truth;
We pray that you bless them,
So that they may bless their community and
Live out the beatitudes.
Remind them that their lives become praise to you,
And praise for you through
Study, service, and prayer.
We ask that you make them strong;
So that they can go out and preach
Through their words, actions, and thoughts.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.



St. Catherine’s educates students in the Catholic faith, fostering an environment of academic and behavioral excellence to create lifelong learners and globally responsible citizens.


St. Catherine's is built on the Dominican values of:

Study: Delivering excellence in Catholic education that maximizes the potential of every student, producing graduates who embrace a lifelong love of learning.

Prayer: Elevating our Catholic faith in a loving God who lies at the center of all things, and who guides all of His people in their personal faith journeys.

Service: Creating a civically engaged environment that forms conscious world citizens who appreciate the dignity of every individual, driven by both word and deed.

Community: Emphasizing the importance of positive relationships at our school, in the surrounding area and within the greater world, leading to personal growth and enabling a commitment to the common good.


St. Catherine’s will have become the premier model for innovative Catholic education in Southeastern Wisconsin, developing the whole person in a respectful, globally aware, and Christ-centered environment. Our preeminent faculty and staff, attracted by the school’s inspirational mission and excellent working environment, will be united in developing the best possible academic experience for every student. St. Catherine’s will be operating in a modernized facility that pays tribute to our Dominican heritage while providing young men and women with the necessary academic and life experience to become lifelong learners and servant-leaders. Ensuring our vision will require sound financial management as well as increased philanthropic support of St. Catherine’s High School, the SCHS Foundation, and Siena Catholic Schools of Racine.